These links are links to the posts I've made since we've been married (on my old blog)... but there isn't very many because I have been so stinkin bad at blogging since October :) But only because I have so many things I'd rather do ;) jk.. but it has just been busy! And when I do have time to myself, I have been experimenting with making new fun meals, getting back into reading some awesome books, attempting to get back into shape, and hanging with my hottie of a husband so please forgive me for my lack of blog-tastic entries.
We are married! and Christmas? wow.
small update on life, and motel horror story
procrastination post
That is it! 3 posts... man that is even worse then I thought. I knew I hadn't blogged hardly at all since we got married, but I didn't realize it was this bad! Oh well. As of now we have been married 8 months going on 9, and have loved every second of it! We constantly feel so blessed to have each other, and lucky to have had the experiences we've shared! People were always telling us before we got married that the first year is the hardest, but we have LOVED every second of it. Sure we've had our fair share of differences, and the occasional disagreement, but it has been way too much fun to be considered hard work!
grad school update
5 years ago